Football Square board fundraiser for LLS-PaWv -ends September 28, 2019
For our community project this quarter, we are raising money to support the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Pennsylvania/West Virginia. To do so, we are running a football square board for the Ohio State vs. Nebraska game on 9/28/19. Purchase squares through our office for $10 and you’ll have 4 chances to win.
-$25 first quarter
-$100 half
-$25 third quarter
-$250 final
The winners will be announced on Monday, September 30. The rest of the money raised will be donated and more than doubled through multiple matches to the LLS of PA/WV.
If you’re new to a football square board, here’s more information on what it is and how it works.
For more information on LLS or to make a donation in lieu of the football square board click the following link.
If you’d like to participate in our football square fundraiser for LLS, contact our office at 740.695.5700. Thanks!